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Re: "Nearly Correct" (was New thread, anyone?)

cu'u la lojbab
>Book, Chapter 5 Section 15 (symmetric tanru examples) of which the last two
>types I think fill the bill of counterexamples.

But those are not Lojban examples! They're examples of how tanru-like
things work in other languages, but not of real Lojban tanru. I think I have
read most of the Lojban text that has been written, and I don't remember
ever coming across something like xrula tricu (flower tree) used to mean
"vegetation" or anything like that.

>Note that I am not necessarily disagreeimng with you as to which it should
>merely trying to make sure the question is fully explored.

I guess that we need someone who disagrees then. :)

co'o mi'e xorxes