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Re: Beginner question: seitu'a lo velrimni je pemci

.i la .ivan. spuda mi di'e

> Mark Vines wrote:
> > [...] the first sumti, a position I think of as
> > the topical.
> Is the notion that x1 is a topic position supported
> by the standard?

.i mi spuda la .ivan. di'e

Not explicitly, as far as I know ... but the notion
may be implied by the existence of "bridi-tail"
conjunction cmavo, & other points of grammar, such
as the effect of {gadri} descriptors, that do appear
to "privilege" the x1 position.

However, the version of the ma'oste that I keep on
my computer at work implies something to the
contrary:  namely, that a prenex should be used to
introduce a topic.

So I'm not sure what the standard specifies about
topics.  Everthemore, I continue to think of the x1
position as topical.

co'omi'e markl.