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Re: na`e

cu'u la bob
>I am puzzled over the confusion.  Here are three utterances:
>  1. The cat sits on the chair.
>     lo mlatu ca'o vreta lo stizu
>       <What is truly a cat is in the continuative of
>       reclining/resting on what is truly a chair.>

Yes, perhaps I would prefer "some cat sits on some chair" for
the English for that.

>  2. It is false that the cat sits on the chair.
>     lo mlatu na ca'o vreta lo stizu

Here it does make a difference. The Lojban actually says
that it is false that some cat sits on some chair, so it only
agrees with your translation if there is a single cat in your

>  3.  The cat sits otherwise than on the chair.
>      lo mlatu ca'o na'e vreta lo stizu

No, na'e negates "vreta", not "lo stizu", so it says
that some cat other-than-sits with respect to some chair.
For example, you may have in mind that some cat
jumps over some chair. What you want there is:

            lo mlatu ca'o vreta na'ebo lo stizu
            Some cat sits on other than a chair.

co'o mi'e xorxes