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>Graeme's right about it getting worse. I unsubscribed from several other
>lists because there were more spams than content!
>One solution would be to morph into a newsgroup format where junk is
>filtered out, but then someone will have to serve as editor, and turnaround
>will slow down. Another solution would be to make the list semi-closed,
>where someone has to get permission first to post, but anyone can
>subscribe. I don't really like that either, as it might inhibit posts from
>prospective citizens of lojbanistan. Perhaps new posts could be set aside,
>and posted only after review by an editor?
>We probably ought to do something. I don't want to hear from any more
>prospective Russian brides, atomic bomb plan salesmen, or sleazy estate

The bttom line is that there is nothing we can do.

We are using listserv software that is generic and not under our
control (access at Columbia to their server was donated)  Posters
do not even need to subscribe to post - a flaw in this particular listserver,
but it has benefits - you can have multiple addresses, and do not need to
remember which one you are subscribed under (except when you want to

Moderated lists have SOME capability to foil this stuff (though even they
could be spammed by a smart enough spammer, and the abomber seems to be a
pretty knowledgeable one, as does the Russian matchmaker).  We aren't the
only list being hit by these, and there are a LOT of people working on
countermeasures. not to mention trying to find ways of taking legal action.

But the net is so close to anarchy that no matter how many countermeasures
are put into place, someone will find a way around them.

BTW, moderating Lojban List is an impossibility.  We barely have time to
 maintain the list, and I am no longer regularly reading it even.

We have toyed with the idea of setting up a newsgroup with a moderated
gateway to the listserver, but that will not decrease spams.

Lately these guys even seem to be targetting individauals rather than lists,
by collecting names from newspostinsg and other directories of email addresses.
