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Re: scope of zo

>Date:         Thu, 15 Dec 1994 19:06:09 +0000
>From: ucleaar <ucleaar%UCL.AC.UK@CUVMB.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU>
>X-To:         lojban@cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu

>> zo mav rafsi zo mavji

>What distinguishes this from

>  zo mavrafsi zo mavji ...

"zo" has as its scope the next lojban-parsable "word"  Now, had this been
pronounced "zomavRAFsizoMAVji", yes, that would have to poarsed as "zo
mavrafsi zo majvi" (well, zo ma vrafsi zo mavji, since mavrafsi fails
tosmabru, as you said).  Luckily, this is printed text, so we know where
the word-breaks are.  Were this said in speech, "mav", lexically a cmene,
would have to be followed by a pause.  Writing a . is optional; the author
simply didn't do so here.  We cope.

