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Re: The Fifty United States ...

I haven't had a chance to look over these in detail, but I note the
shibboleth pronunciations  "luzi,enys", "mizurys", and (in Vermont)

Also, English "j/dg" should be Lojban "dj" not "dz". This seems to be
a systematic error throughout the list.

Why no "z" in Arizona?

In general, I agree with Brian Gottlieb's emendations.  In most cases,
Lojban "e" is traditional for AmEng /&/ (the "a" of "cat"); this feature
dates back to Loglan days, with some exceptions ("Ann" = ".an.", not ".en.".)

Also, Charleston WV is "tcar,l,stn. baigad. .uestvrdjinias." to avoid
confusion with Charleston SC.  :-)  Likewise "nu,rk" NJ vs. "nuARK" DE.

John Cowan		sharing account <lojbab@access.digex.net> for now
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.