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ga'i ga'inai

Lojbab sez:
>In this case, however, Zipf may argue for a reversal of meaning for ga'i,
>since almost all examples of actual usage are of "ga'inai", and a lot more
>people have reason to be obsequious than blatantly pompous.
>I await the community's opinion on this, but with the dcitionary work rushng
>headlong, but people who might want a change should speak up early.

I'd agree with swapping the axes, making it maybe a "humility" based scale
rather than a "pompousity/rank" scale.  In most languages that I can think of,
when the speaker refers to their own rank, they will mark for humility, or
leave it unmarked if *higher* ranked.

I (dimly) remember some other discussion about reversing some other attitudinal
scales, I guess now is the time to review them before the dictionary is
finalized.  I'd look at the attitudinal list myself and drop some suggestions,
but all my lojban stuff is still buried, as I am still moving, and won't be
starting to unpack for at least a week.  I'll dig up the Symbolic Logic and
re-read the reference I gave, and post the actual text sometime around then

*     Bob Slaughter                         *  Model Railroading         *
*     InterNet:  Haldane@Pine.Circa.Ufl.Edu *      is Fun!!              *
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*     Bitnet:    Haldane@UFPine             *    ask me about lojban     *