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LogFest update

LogFest has started with a nice bang with several arriving
on FRiday noght.  so far we have

Me, Nora, Avgust, Angela
John, Gail, and Irene Cowan
Paaul Franci O'Sullivan
John Hodges
Sylvia Rutiser
Albion Zeglin
Keith Lynch

At least 5 more are expected today, possibly 10 or more.

As many of us as can squeeze around 2 computers will try to get
on-line for IRC at around 930AM EDT, channel 'Lojban'.
Failing to raise anyone, we will try again at 10AM and 1030AM, and possibly
some times in between.  I hope to read some of you there.  (Beginners
are welcome!)

There will likely be a try sometime later this evening, but I'm not sure
what time.  Check your mailbox, or possibly look on the ftp site at
ftp.cs.yale.edu, /pub/lojban, file "irctimes" which will have any time that
we decide on with enough advance notice that people are likely to be on.

We also plan to be on IRC at 930AM EDT tomorrow (Sunday).
