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Re: lenu mi siskytadni cu mulno/ rIn jIQulmeH Qu'.

la nitcion spusku di'e mi

> =By {zandjine'u} I intended "congratulate". Anyone have any better ideas?
> zandjine'u did seem odd to me. As you'll have notice, I said just zanru to
> Iain. I think do zanru fi mi will do fine.

Are you sure you mean zanru? It doesn't have an x3:

zanru zar     zau  approve
x1 approves of/gives favor to plan/action x2 (object/event)

I would still like to use cnemu, because a congratulation is more than
a simple approval, it implies some merit on the part of the person being
congratulated. How about zarne'u?

zarne'u  c1=z1 c2 c3=z2 (c4=nu zanru)
         x1 congratulates (rewards with approval) x2 for action x3

> (I have to bite my tongue to stop from saying "majQa'!" There isn't a Lojban
> attitudinal corresponding to this exclamation (= "Well done")).

Perhaps i'e? (to ji'a za'o se glajukpa toi)
