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birthday? re.

> >> giving, perhaps, "nu jbena kei djedi" for "birthday".
> >>
> >> ~mark
> >*quelle* portmanteau
> Blech.  I wasn't really thinking, obviously.  {djedi} is the wrong gismu
> for the more common meaning of "birthday".  Colin had it better with
> {detri}.  Still, I don't see anything wrong with the structure of it; {nu
> jbena key detri} sounds okay.  What's so "*quelle*" about it? :-)

If I can't say birthday in three syllables or less I don't want one  ;-)

Languages must adapt to survive, irregardless of their aesthetics

> >BTW what is Lojban for "portmanteau" ?
> >one *must* have *meta*-words
> Lojban tends to have met-everythings coming out of all its orifices.
> "Portmanteau" as in "word with multiple meanings"?  Um, "se smuni be
> so'i/za'upa da valsi", or simplified lujvo?  There are lots of
> possibilities.

No no no, "meta-" is (in computerese) an "escape character",
that takes one "one level up" in logic and truth-assessment.

for example,

        Spock says,

                "I am lying"

This cannot be evaluated at "face value", and thus
Harvey Mudd's primitive robots suffered meltdown.

One must be able to make an assertion not just about
*some other assertion*, but also about *the same assertion*

In Lojban, can this irrational thought be expressed ?

Much less appreciated ?

Trying not to sound irrelevant ..

* Fred Baube (tm) GU/MSFS/88 baube@optiplan.fi
* "The sexual life of a civilized man
*  is seriously disabled." -- S. Freud
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