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Hail Skami (Tex version of Ckafybarja Papers)

>  Date:        Wed, 23 Sep 1992 17:30:28 -0400
>  From: "Mark E. Shoulson" <shoulson@EDU.COLUMBIA.CTR>
>  As I think I mentioned before, I think Lojban looks very good in a
>  monospaced, typewriter-like font.

You did, and so did I before you.

>  "Too much like computer output"?

Yes, it does.  And a good thing, too.  Computers are a major reason
why Lojban is interesting at all.  We hope to get them do something
useful with it as a fundamental move towards getting the world
recognise our pet bangu as something more than an eccentric whim.
Neither would we be communicating so easily now if they weren't around.
