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Lujvo list analysis


a fair while ago, Lojbab handed me the list of all lujvo that have appeared
in text in computer up to mid March. I have today come up with place
structures for 1461 of them, discarding about 1000 of them as being too
specific to enter into a dictionary (a lot of Helsem's compounds, for
example), and I will now work on incorporating later lujvo into the list;
the first text to be considered will be Colin's Quine text. I haven't been
*explicitly* dikyjvo-ist, since dikyjvo have never been formulated explicitly
enough for any but the first place in a lujvo. Rather, I have picked out
places from amongst those of the component gismu, ordering them with some
principles of regularity, and eliminating for reasons of both redundancy
and semantics (thus a Treasury is a {sorcu}, but without a place for
"container"; a battery is a {sorcu}, but without a place for "location";
a {tergu'i} need not have a {gusni} or a {se gusni} in its definition).
I have found that I've matched Lojbab's derived place structures, where these
have appeared, pleasingly often.

The list is available to anyone who wants it, for review or pillory; and now
is also a good time to get your lujvo proposals out, since this work is
intended for the Lojban protodictionary. A sample of the work follows: the
letters and numbers identify places of the component gismu. For example:

ba'ispe                 fianc'e: s1 s2

has as its first place the first place of {speni}, and as it's second the
seconf place of {speni}: x1 is the fianc'e of x2.

badbadycrida            giant: c1 c2
badbarda                Colossal: b1 b2 b3
badmau                  bigger: b1=z1 z2 b2 b3 z4
badrokci                boulder: b1=r1 r2 r3 b2 b3
badrytaisma		moping mum: b1=t1=s1 b2 t3 s2 s3
badydaplu               continent: b1=d1 d3
badydzu                 to stride: c1 c2 c3 b3
badyfenra               abyss: f1 f2 b2 b3
badyjafyde'i            big toe: b1=j1=d1 j2=d2
badyjafyde'icalku       big toe nail: c1 j2=d2 c3
badyjecta               Megastate: j1=b1 j2 b2 b3
badypatxu               big+pot: p1 p2 p3 b2 b3
badysalpo               steep: s1 s2 s3 b3
bajryjvi                to run a race: b1=j1 j2 j3 j4 b2
bajrykla		to come running:+come b1=k1 k2 k3 k4 b2 b3 b4
bajryli'a		run away from: b1=c1 c2 c3 b2 b3 b4
bajrystu                The (running) track: s1
balcu'e                 University: c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 b3
baldakfyxai             great sword: x1=d1=b1 x2 x3 d3 b3
balkumfa                Hall: k1=b1 k2 k3 b2 b3
balrai                  grandmaster; generally, greatest: b1=t1 t4 b2 b3
baltutra                realm: t1 t2 b2 b3
bance'u                 linguist (informally-- more appropriate for polyglot):
 c1 b1 c3 for language-expert (specific language), c1 c3 for linguist
bancycripu              beyond+bridge: insufficient info
bancycu'e               college: c1 c2 c3 c4 b2 c5
bancykemselrerkru	hyperbola: k1 k2 k3 k4
bancykla                beyond+come: k1 b2 k3 k4 k5
banta'a			x speaks language y. I prefer banpi'o. with ve tavla, this is not
 really necessary: t1 t4=b1 t2 t3
bantadni                linguistics/linguist: t1 t2
banvelsku		to be in language x: Y is in language X --- xy banvelsku .y'ybu:
 c4=b1 c2 c3 c1
baple'i			to bribe: p1 p2 p3 p4=b2
barstu                  nursery. Also, a growth/colony of germs: s1 b1 b2 b3
barzu'e			to grow something. X grows Y: z1 b1 b2 b3
basygau                 to replace Y with Z: g1 b1 b2 b3
basyvla                 anaphora: v1=b1 b2 v2 v3 b3
batcatke                to thrust: c1 b2 c3
batfle                  to flow out of: f1 f2 f3 f4=b2
batkalri                out+open: insufficient info
batkla                 	To exit. jimc has le klama cu batkla le te klama; I have
 le klama cu batkla le se klama: k1 k2=b1 k3=b2 k4 k5
batkyci'a               to type: c1 c2 c3 c4
batli'a                 to exit: place structure of cliva: c1 c2=b2 c3 c4
batyta'u		suburb: t1 t3 t4
baucmu                  language basis: here refers explicitly to the Esperanto
 Fundamento: j1 b1
bauske                  linguistics: s1 s3
bavla'i                 next: l1 l2 l3
bavlamdei               tomorrow: d1 l2 d3

Nick S. Nicholas,		       "Rode like foam on the river of pity
Depts. of CompSci & ElecEng,  	        Turned its tide to strength
University of Melbourne, Australia.     Healed the hole that ripped in living"
nsn@{munagin.ee|mundil.cs}.mu.oz.au           - Suzanne Vega, Book Of Dreams