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Re: GEN + TEXT:INT - phone communications

> >lenu mi .e la nitcion cu datygu'e fonta'a la lojbab. zo'u .e'u ro le
> >seljbogri (to .eji'a pei le seljbo pamei toi) poi curmi lenu jbofonta'a ke'a
>                ^ not grammatical, I fear; the contents of a parenthesis must
> be grammatical text. {ri .eji'a...} would do.

Bummer. You're right. That means I have even less idea what parenthesis is for.
Is there a useful distinction between TO TOI and SEI SE'U? (I know there's a
syntactic difference).

> >.i la bratfyd jbogirz fi'ido'u caze'a ta'e seltcika li ji'i19:30 bi'o li
> >ci'u loi ritcrisytcika so'ala padjed le fonseljudri li 0274:501451 noi
>                                       ^^ gi'e se

No, this sumti is the x4 of seltcika

> All Lojbanis are encouraged to suss out IRC, the Internet Relay Chat
> (international talk); Mark and I have already found it quite handy.

Looking at the equipment I'm using, I think I can receive voice mail, but as
far as I know there's no equipment to record it.
