Model Portfolio Update

Last updated Sunday, 12-Mar-2000 18:27:37 UTC.

What lies ahead

The performance of the portfolio, after 9% in costs, can be found at this page. Last time I checked, I am up well over 30% before costs are accounted for, and almost 25% at $25 per trade.

Trades for 3/2/2000

Trades for 2/22/2000

How I did [12/13/1999-2/12/2000]

My hypothetical portfolio, with $900 in commissions paid to start up the $10,000 stock basket, has still grown to $11,337 without any trades since the beginning of the year. That's equivalent to a raw return of 22.7% in a period where the S&P has dropped 5% and the markets have been pretty violent.

Trades for 2/14/2000

Stay tuned! --jf

Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Joseph Fouché.
The above does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any securities.

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