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Re: Book Ad Banner

>Date:         Thu, 13 Nov 1997 16:17:59 GMT+0
>From: And Rosta <a.rosta@UCLAN.AC.UK>
>Organization: University of Central Lancashire
>I think LLG once nominated the Necker cube as its emblem.
>I've seen this used only in one place: as a Lojban "flag"
>on Nick Nicholas's home page.

Yeah, but they went for that two-circles/four-arrows emblem thingy
instead.  Me, I think the Necker Cube is brilliant for Lojban (perhaps
(gasp) ironically, since the Cube embodies ambiguity.  But then, Lojban is
all about *recognizing* ambiguity).  I don't quite follow the other one.
