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Re: Indirect questions

>Date:         Thu, 23 Oct 1997 05:58:55 -0300
>>  What's a non i.q. way of saying {ko'a na djuno ledu'u
>>xukau mi badri} (She doesn't know whether or not I am sad).
>And solved this one one or two years ago, but I don't  remember
>now exactly how it went.  I think we needed a selbri with the place
>structure "x1 is the truth value of x2". I'm tempted to use {se jetlai}
>for that:
>jetlai  [jetnu klani]   x1 (du'u) amounts to x2 (li) in truth.
>Here's another possibility of how to rephrase a bridi with an
>indirect question:
>                ko'a djuno le du'u xukau mi badri
>                da poi danfu lu xu mi badri li'u zo'u ko'a djuno da
>                "There is an x that is the answer to "Am I sad?" such
>                that she knows x."

A somewhat off-topic question, but maybe this should be "...danfu la'e lu
xu mi badri li'u"?
