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Re: 'your will' as sumti

> This is done without referring to the ref-gram, but how about
> <<ko gasnu le do djica>>?
> ("Do what you desire" - "Do your desires")  Did I get that right?

I read that as "be an agent doing (your desirers)", and would
only make sense if you owned some actions that desired something.
If "desire" is the right translation for "will" (I think the
original poster's "motivated act" is better), then the sentence
would be {ko gasnu le se djica be do}.

> <<mukti>> (x3) seems to specify the agent which is motivated, but does
> not indicate who is doing the motivation (x3 could be doing someone
> else's will under duress.)

In that case, the duress would itself be {le mukti}.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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