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gismu list question

Cyril asks:
>Subject:      gismu list format
>Can anybody explain me, what means this funny letters and numbers in
>gismu list between English definition and comments?  I belive it is some
>info for LogFlash, but I haven't them...

It just so happens that I answered this for someone else just a couple
days ago:
>Those are just codes for sorting - the 2-letters/letter+number is a code
>tied to the order the words were being introduced in the draft lesson,
>so that LogFlash could be run with words in that order.  But the draft
>textbook has been reordered and that code is obsolete.  We now
>distribute LogFlash with words in descending order by the second code (
>a number which is null for a small number of words) - that number is the
>frequency the gismu appeared in the set of all Lojban text and
>discussion in our archives up to some point in time, and hence
>presumably gives a usefulness index that says how lilely you are to run
>into the word when reading about Lojban.  The data is NOT that good, and
>a comple of words (since = snake) have high values due to the English
>false friend which also appeared in the same texts.  But it is far
>better than alphabetical or random order as a basis for learning the
