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Re: LogFest

I am sure that there will be several Lojbanists at Glasgow, including many
whho are not on the list.  We recruited some 75 people at Noreascon in '89
and maybe another 100 at various other cons.  Some of these are even still
interested %^).

You may want to consider a side trip to Edinburgh and meet Ivan (and if the
timing is right, Nick Nicholas).  Ivan isn't on the list but is quite
proficient in the language.  He is also the other Slavic language native
who is proficient in Lojban (Bulgarian).

The times that we will be on IRC are still subject to agreement - in other
words: you pick the time.  Since Nick will be in Europe, most of the regulars
who particpate in IRC ar either US or Europe, so we can pick a time
convenient to all of us with greater ease than when we were also including
Australian timess.  I am no more proficent than you are with IRC - I rely on
Cowan and others to set us up.
