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Re: cmavo hit-list

> And:
> > If you study "lo siho [the sun goes round the earth]" you're a
> > psychologist. If you study "lo duhu [the sun goes round the earth]"
> > you're an astronomer.
> I think the psychologist doesn't study that idea, but something about
> the idea, like why someone would believe that. The sentence
> {le menmikce cu tadni le si'o le solri cu mluni le terdi} sounds very
> strange to me.

This probably boils down to which of us knows least about psychology.
As I see it, cognitive psych is exactly concerned with the structure
of ideas, not just how they come about. And even if a psychologist
is concerned with the reason/motivation for an idea, it seems reasonable
to say they're studying the idea.

Much linguistics is eexclusively concerned with lo siho X, rather than
with lo duhu X, or with anything else.

I suppose we should hold off on the debate & let a psychologist pronounce
on the matter.
