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Re: xruti

Hu'tegh! nuq ja' Jorge Llambias jay'?

=Would it be too much trouble to post the appearances of xru in the new bunch
=of lujvo? There can't be that many of them. I bet most would be like xrukla,
=that make more sense with an agentless xruti. (Or better yet, is Nick's new
=lujvo list available for examination?)

It will be (yes, Lojbab?) as soon as I add in the lujvo added to the gi'uste
*since* I started re-editing the list (for the most part, the lujvo I'd
proposed for the gi'uste in December). Here's the new lujvo involving xruti:

be'ixru#transfer+return:send back:$benji1 $=xruti1 $benji2 $=xruti2 $benji3
 $=xruti3 $benji4 $=xruti4 $benji5
klaxru#come+return:go back, return:$klama1 $=xruti1 $=xruti2 $klama2 $=xruti3
 $klama3 $=xruti4 $klama4 $klama5
mu'uxru#move+return:go back, move back, return:$xruti1 $xruti2 $=muvdu1 $xruti3
 $=muvdu2 $xruti4 $=muvdu3 $muvdu4
seldu'axru#2nd-place-of+give+return:to give back, to return something
 given:$xruti1 $=dunda3 $xruti2 $=dunda2 $xruti3 $=dunda1 $xruti4
sezyxrukla#self+return+come:to return, to go back:$xruti1 $=xruti2 $=klama1
 $klama2 $=xruti3 $klama3 $=xruti4 $klama4 $klama5

All these are Lojbab's translations of the Loglan for 'return'. All these
make sense only with the old definition of xruti. All these could be made to
make sense with the new definition of xruti, by making them prefixes rather
than suffixes. xruti will definitely deserve a section in the lujvo paper,
if I ever get round to re-editing it; I'll also have to point out how sometimes
jai is preferable to -gau.

Nick Nicholas. Linguistics, University of Melbourne.   nsn@krang.vis.mu.oz.au
        nsn@mundil.cs.mu.oz.au      nick_nicholas@muwayf.unimelb.edu.au
            AND MOVING SOON TO: nnich@speech.language.unimelb.edu.au