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gradu is broken

Lojbab is going to invoke divine punishment on me for this, but it seems an
obvious oversight.

All our measurement words have the place structure x1 is x2 units by standard

If we want to pull new units into the scheme, we either do MKS combinations
(which can get quite unwieldy as lujvo), or we use gradu. For example, Lojbab
has translated 'volt' as dicyda'erau --- electrical force unit.

The place structure of gradu, unit, is x1 is a unit of standard x2 measuring
property x3.

This seems inconsistent to me. We can't really say X is 9 units in size, or
for that matter, X is 9 volts, using the scheme we do for grake, mitre,
dekpu, and whatnot.

I think it makes all the sense of the world to make gradu: x1 is x2 units by
standard x3, where the unit measures property x4. This would make "it's 9
volts", da dicyda'erau li so, consistent with "it's 9 grams", da grake li so.

Nick Nicholas. Linguistics, University of Melbourne.   nsn@krang.vis.mu.oz.au
        nsn@mundil.cs.mu.oz.au      nick_nicholas@muwayf.unimelb.edu.au
            AND MOVING SOON TO: nnich@speech.language.unimelb.edu.au