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Re: lenu mi siskytadni cu mulno/ rIn jIQulmeH Qu'. (fwd)

Hu'tegh! nuq ja' Logical Language Group jay'?

=NN> (I have to bite my tongue to stop from saying "majQa'!" There isn't a
=NN> Lojban attitudinal corresponding to this exclamation (= "Well done")).
=Whaddaya mean, there isn't?  We can do ANYTHING with attitudinals %^)
=How about .i'ecai for the general meaning, and .uo.i'ecai .uo.io.i'ecai, etc.
=for various flavors that might be appropriate to completing a thesis (oh,
=and .u'a could go in there somewhere too.)

Oh... yeah...

=NN> zandjine'u did seem odd to me. As you'll have notice, I said just zanru to
=NN> Iain. I think do zanru fi mi will do fine.
=I did a double-ake on "do zanru" the first time, thinking you must have
=meant "do se zanru".  But now I am really confused since zanru has no x3 place.
="zabna" perhaps???  Or something else?

... oh yeah, again... I did intend zabna. I guess this means I'm out of
practice? .u'u (well, I did remember *that* one...)
