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TECH.QUERY: zo bancu cu mo zo zmadu leka smuni

>Date:         Mon, 21 Sep 1992 16:07:33 BST

>I think we are getting misled by the English keyword "beyond" into supposing
>that we are talking of spatial position (the primary meaning of "beyond").

>It seems to me that the distinction you are claiming between "zmadu" and
>"bancu" is that the measurements are not only comparable with the specified
>result, but also in some sense "in the same direction" (whatever that might
>mean for non-spatial uses). But I do not like you using an spatial example
>and then arguing from the special spatial properties of the example.

Very well-put, Colin.  Thanks for clearing that up.  That's pretty much the
same thing that's been bothering me about that response, but I couldn't
express it as well.

>I accept that there is a semantic difference between the two gismu. I cannot
>see why "bancu" shouldn't have an x4. And I would encourage people to use
>a lujvo for a specifically spatial sense of 'beyond'.

I'm starting to accept the semantic difference, but if so, it is woefully
