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current place structures

>we don't have the current ones. *sigh*

Wrong. You do.  The published gismu list IS the current place strcutures.
If I had my way I would never refer to the fact that there is a new list
>in preparation<.  It ain;t real yet, and we don't use it around here even,
except to argue about it.  Nor anad I have the published list in our handy
portable reference manuals.  

There have been some published changes to the official list - in the vocabulary
lists at the back of each of the draft lessons.  Those are 'more official'
than the published list, but since they are not assembled, no one expects people
to use them yet.  Thus, I correct only by footnote a sentence with cadzu that
has the miscellaneous places of klama stuck all over it.  

If you have comments on a place structure, they should be made w.r.t the
published gismu list, UNLESS you are commenting on an example in the draft
textbook that obviously will match the words list in the lesson.

I consider any use of the unpublsihed working list to be foolhardy atr best,
since anyone who writes using it cannot expect to be understood.

It will be several months, probably the end of summer, before a published
list is available with the new files, though people getting a Beta test version
of LogFlash R3.0 will get them embedded in the program data files (not plain
