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Re: cleft place strcutures - an open issue that we want opinions on

    Lojbab asked us to comment out loud about a possible reorganization
of word meanings vis-a-vis place structures.

    I am in favor of systematized place structures without regard
for the impact on word scores or "naturalness".

    However, I am not sure that all words can have the x1 always
be the actor.  I would strongly favor some rule relating word formation
with place structure (like "all gismu with initial consonant unvoiced
have actor as the first place" or "all gismu that do not end with 'o'
have the actor as x1").

    (Was that loud enough?)
    thank you all,

PS. Can we get a more precise definition of "cleft place structures"?

Arthur Protin <protin@pica.army.mil>
These are my personal views and do not reflect those of my boss
or this installation.