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Re: bye, various comments, culture/religeon.

    I also thought as Jack did when I read that part in the lesson on

>               Here's another: since we are in base twelve, and pi is a 
> "base point" (not just a decimal point), shouldn't li sopimu ("9.5" p. 
> 3-19) translate as 9:25 (9 and five twelveths) rather than 9:30. 

I just forgot to comment the next day (I read the lessons at night,
but take email breaks at work).

But sometimes your answers are too brief (curt maybe :-).

>> I would also suggest that either as cultural gismu "Pagan" or as the
>> following normal gismu be added:
>> 	x1 is a pagan/polytheist/animist of reliegon x2 with rank/status x3
> 	What's wrong with "so'icevykri"?

I don't carry my dictionary around (nor do I leave it at work).  Please,
what is the translation of this?

>> And to deal with another issue, we need the generic term:
>> 	x1 is a native aboriginal of place/culture x2 from tribe x3
>> This taking care of the Lapps, Native Americans, Eskimos, Ainu of Japan
>> Australian Aboriginals, African native tribes, etc...
>	"pavselkulnu"

Or wasn't that the right response?

    thank you all,
    Arthur Protin

Arthur Protin <protin@pica.army.mil>
These are my personal views and do not reflect those of my boss
or this installation.